Widgets "Everything you have ever wanted was bought bartered or stolen in my lifetime" - A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care

"Everything you have ever wanted was bought bartered or stolen in my lifetime"

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Found on West Grand Avenue in Chicago, as storefront that takes customers "by appointment only."


This sign adorns the door to an otherwise unprepossessing two story brick building. I have no idea what the store sells, finds, or barters, but on a street bedecked with glass-front boutiques and Starbucks sidewalk cafes, the locked doors and drawn curtains evoke unlikely mystery. I don't want to know, because the reality will almost certainly not live up to the promise of an advertisement suitable for a story by Bradbury or Gaiman.

Nonetheless, it's the odd kind of thing I hope to see more of on my travels, and reminds me why some of my friends who are writers found their own journeys to be fodder for good fiction.

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That's a lovely sign!

Your image doesn't seem to have displayed quite as intended, so I have converted it to a jpeg and re-uploaded it in case anyone can't view the above:

Wow! A sign like that is a fabulous find although - as you say - best not investigated too closely for fear of disappointment.

(And thanks for converting the image, Bateleur, I was struggling with it.)

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