Widgets Tony the Barbarian (Marrakech, Morocco, April 14, 2011) - A Round-the-World Travel Blog: Devil May Care

Tony the Barbarian (Marrakech, Morocco, April 14, 2011)

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We found this in a hardware store in Marrakech while we were looking for a juicer. I don't know what you would cleave with this thing. It was all one piece of metal, and looked more like something out of a low-budget Tolkein ripoff than a kitchen implement.

IMG 0553-1

UPDATE [July 15]: According to one of my friends on Facebook, this implement is used to cleave meat with bones. Given the weight, I can see that.

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"I don't know what you would cleave with this thing"

Pretty much anything you want to... at least until the SWAT team arrive!

Did Tony shave his head just for this pic?

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